Senate Democrats
Kristen McDonald Rivet
SD 35 | Year First Elected: 2022
Should billions of taxpayer dollars go to big corporations? Of course they should! Big corporations need all the help they can get, especially those with ties to the Chinese Communist Party. Kristen is making that happen; way to go, Kristen!
Sarah Anthony
SD 21 | Year First Elected: 2018
Who needs a large budget? Sarah does, Sarah does! She pioneered the largest budget in Michigan state history; quite an accomplishment! The $82 billion budget she spearheaded as Appropriations Chair will buy so many helpful things, like splash pads and an expanding government!
Erika Geiss
SD 1 | Year First Elected: 2018
Expensive energy bills are no problem for Erika! She thinks Michiganders should be on a less reliable energy grid for an extra $2,700 per year. It’s quite the deal!
Sylvia Santana
SD 2 | Year First Elected: 2018
Young adults shouldn’t get life without parole, no matter how violent their crime. Sylvia sponsored legislation to prevent it! About 300 Michiganders sentenced could be up for parole if it’s signed into law.
Stephanie Chang
SD 3 | Year First Elected: 2018
Sponsor of the National Popular Vote legislation, Stephie believes the will of Michigan voters doesn’t matter. Why let voters in Michigan decide when the rest of the country can make decisions for us?
Darrin Camilleri
SD 4 | Year First Elected: 2022
Darrin believes that anyone that can join a union, should. He believes it so fully that he decided Michiganders shouldn’t get to choose for themselves! Sponsoring the legislation that repealed Right to Work, he accomplished his vision.
Dayna Polehanki
SD 5 | Year First Elected: 2018
By voting to repeal Michigan’s 3rd grade reading law, Dayna is pushing students through to 4th grade even if they cannot read. It’s not that important anyway, just like teacher evaluation standards. Making it harder to hold teachers accountable for failing to educate students is exactly what our children need!
Mary Cavanagh
SD 6 | Year First Elected: 2020
Mary believes life without parole is much too harsh a sentence for young, violent criminals. 300 violent Michiganders need another chance at life, no matter what they did! Here’s to banning life without parole!
Jeremy Moss
SD 7 | Year First Elected: 2018
Jeremy believes Michigan families should pay more for their energy bills – approximately $2,700 more! In addition to supporting high energy costs, Jeremy is also okay with pushing Michigan families onto a less reliable energy grid.
Mallory McMorrow
SD 8 | Year First Elected: 2018
Mallory won’t let her thoughts go unheard. She’s found and proud, consistently appearing on MSNBC! However, she’s not all fun and games. Balloons really upset her, and they need to be controlled! Fight the good fight, Mallory!
Paul Wojno
SD 10 | Year First Elected: 2018
More powerful unions for Paul! He loves them so much that he believes everyone should join one, whether or not they would like to. Get ready to pay up, Michigan! Those union dues are due.
Veronica Klinefelt
SD 11 | Year First Elected: 2022
Have the roads been bothering you lately? Veronica intends to fix the problem by making construction on Michigan’s crumbling roads much more expensive. Prevailing Wage will do just that!
Kevin Hertel
SD 12 | Year First Elected: 2016
Who has ties to the Chinese Communist Party? Not Kevin; not directly anyway. He’s voted to approve billions of taxpayer dollars for big corporations, one of which has those infamous ties. Sneaky stuff, Kev!
Rosemary Bayer
SD 13 | Year First Elected: 2018
Rosemary voted to send billions of taxpayer dollars to big corporations, one of which has ties to the Chinese Communist Party. Instead of allowing Michiganders to keep more of their paycheck, Rosemary would rather waste your tax dollars on corporate welfare, with no guaranteed return on investment.
Sue Shink
SD 14 | Year First Elected: 2022
Local governments shouldn’t have control over wind and solar projects, according to Sue. Power should be expensive and unreliable. To accomplish this, Sue voted to increase the cost of energy in every household by about $2,700 per year!
Jeff Irwin
SD 15 | Year First Elected: 2018
Young adults shouldn’t get life without parole, no matter how violent their crime. Jeff sponsored legislation to prevent it! About 300 violent Michiganders serving time would now be up for parole if it’s signed into law.
Sean McCann
SD 19 | Year First Elected: 2018
Who has ties to the Chinese Communist Party? Not Sean! However, he did approve billions of taxpayer dollars for big corporations, one of which has ties to the CCP. Looks a little suspicious, but trust us, there’s nothing to worry about!
John Cherry
SD 27 | Year First Elected: 2022
Not a union member? John says that’s no big deal, but if you’re in the public sector, you do need to give over your personal information to union bosses. But we’ve been assured this won’t be used to pressure you into joining a union *wink wink*!
Sam Singh
SD 28 | Year First Elected: 2022
Sam knows the importance of expensive energy costs. He thinks Michiganders should be on a less reliable energy grid for an extra $2,700 per year. It’s quite the deal – thank you, Sam!