Rubber Stamps for Environmentalists at the Expense of Taxpayers

Learn how Lansing Democrats have pushed extreme policies to appease their base

As Republicans have fought tirelessly to lower costs for Michigan families, they are running into a roadblock in Lansing: House Democrats. Democrats like Betsy Coffia, Jenn Hill, and Reggie Miller have used their power in Lansing to appease extremists within their party.

Democrats have passed far-reaching legislation that forces Michigan families to use expensive, unreliable energy sources. To make matters worse, they also stripped local communities of their zoning authority for wind and solar projects, choosing instead to empower unelected Lansing bureaucrats with these decisions.

The games don’t stop there. If it were up to these legislators, you could pay an extra fee while buying groceries just for using plastic bags.

“It’s become abundantly clear only one party in Lansing is interested in lowering costs for Michigan families, and it isn't the Democrats,” said Zach Rudat, on behalf of Michigan Freedom Network. “Lansing Democrats are more interested in appeasing the most radical voices in their party, even if it means increasing the cost of groceries and energy. Taxpayers are paying the cost today, Democrats will pay the cost in November.”

Betsy Coffia

Betsy doesn’t like affordable energy. She voted for legislation that will make energy less reliable and more expensive, and strips local communities of local control. She also has a personal vendetta against plastic bags and containers which is why she supports more taxes for plastic use! Can’t afford your groceries, let alone an extra fee for the bags they come in? Coffia says too bad!

Jenn Hill

Jenn is a big fan of taxes, even those that were meant to go out of style this year! Off-roading vehicles will still have that pesky licensing fee, and it was just about to be eliminated this month! Nice catch, Jenn! She’s also really passionate about upping that grocery list cost. Plastic bags could soon come with a fee!

Reggie Miller

Do you want wind turbines in your backyard? Tough luck if the answer is no. Thanks to Reggie, local communities no longer have the ability to control zoning for wind and solar energy, leaving it in the hands of Lansing bureaucrats. Reggie also championed the Green New Deal that will make energy less reliable and more expensive.

Want to learn about the other Democrats appeasing the extremists in their own party? Visit to learn more!


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