Bring Michigan Backwards

Welcome to

Michigan Democrats

Our focus is on putting ourselves first. We’ve worked very hard to get where we are—in charge and unaccountable to anyone. We are working hard to fill the pockets of our friends and allies so they’ll return the favor and help us stay in power. Our most important goal is finding other Democrats to elect to make sure we can continue putting ourselves ahead of every Michigander. We do everything we can to disenfranchise, gaslight, and mislead anyone who opposes our party and its interests. The only way we can succeed in our self-interest is to convince you, the people, that we work for you - but we don’t answer to anyone. Misinformation is our weapon, and we’ve used it well.


Meet the Party

  • Kids were out [of school] for three months.

    Governor Gretchen Whitmer (October 2022)

  • We should demand that ICE be abolished because they are a rogue fascist agency.

    Representative Betsy Coffia

  • Cops and nazis are just natural allies.

    Representative Joey Andrews

  • For anyone who cares about these things, I rarely wear socks.

    Senator Sue Shink

  • I’m suck [sic] of politicians and Evangelicals kissing Israel’s ass regardless of what they do in the name of "defense"

    Lieutenant Governor Garlin Gilchrist

  • My background is partially in extremism.

    Represenative Emily Dievendorf

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